Alliance War Game Crashing and Losing Half Your Health Feature

I am just curious... why does this happen on matches that never even started? I understand if the match had already started... but when the game crashed before the match even loads at all why should we lose half our health for a game crash (ie in a way for Kabam's game's issue) if not a single punch has been thrown?
Just curious if there was a really good reason that I am missing. Again if the match has already started and then crashes I completely agree with the half health being removed (makes sense then for sure)... but if the match has not even started yet it seems to not make sense.
Just curious if there was a really good reason that I am missing. Again if the match has already started and then crashes I completely agree with the half health being removed (makes sense then for sure)... but if the match has not even started yet it seems to not make sense.