5* Blade crystal but not sure why he disappear check it out

TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
edited January 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
Hello there I did ask for help before and no one help me please check the video out, anyone can help me please!?


  • UKnowULuvItUKnowULuvIt Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2018
    Wow!!! Unbelievable! Somebody really needs to help him out!
  • Kapow23Kapow23 Member Posts: 1
    It was definitely spinning towards blade...somethings up here!
  • Viper83Viper83 Member Posts: 210
    That is some ****. We all know champ is selected once you put the crystal to spin but it should not pass on to the next champ and give you the previous champ.
  • Vinh225Vinh225 Member Posts: 164
    Waiting for Kabam to come up with an excuse. Better be a good one this time.
  • SloppylopiSloppylopi Member Posts: 5
    This is not right. It clearly ended on blade.
  • SloppylopiSloppylopi Member Posts: 5
    This is a horrible injustice
  • Lunchbox45Lunchbox45 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    Wow, i would be pissed
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    Odd how in these situations you always get the worse case scenario. Never see a thread "my crystal landed on hulkbuster but got this god tier champ instead".
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Feeling bad for you bud .. you deserve blade
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    Wow. That’s the worst kabam trolling ever. I usually see how the reel would supposedly stop at one champ and then skip to the next. I never saw a reel jump one over, crashed and paid out the champ previously skipped by the reel. This is trolling at its finest. Tsk tsk
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,362 ★★★★
    Some bad video editing there......
    Clearly was always stopping on jane....
    Video porley editied for trolling purposes....
    Either way who cares wat the animation does....
    Jane was selected before your animation even started....
  • TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
    Thanks everyone!
  • weapon_xweapon_x Member Posts: 29
    Which video editing software did you use? Looks legit
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Quite obvious that it was edited. Lol
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,585 ★★★★
    Is Blade even available in the Mephisto crystal?
  • TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
    Is Blade even available in the Mephisto crystal?
  • TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
    Funny thing! When I watch the vide looks like editing there. But just this what happened. I really don’t have time for stuff like that.
  • TheObiJuanTheObiJuan Member Posts: 45
    You got robbed.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited February 2018
    I feel so sorry for you if this is true because I know I would be extremely angry if this happened to me for sure but the reason is we all saw you get robbed and now we are not sure if they are going to help you get the blade that you deserve and I really wish someone does sort this out for you.
  • TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
    You need to check this video out too! I just pay 3000 units for nightstalker and really I didn’t see one 5 start blade animation! Please need help something wrong with my account or what?
  • TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2018
    @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ please need help!!!
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★
    The first video has for sure been edited. Game doesn't crash then load right back up. Totally fake.
  • TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★

    no.... Kaedited
  • TattooGalleryMiTattooGalleryMi Member Posts: 15
    Demonzfyre wrote: »

    no.... Kaedited

    Like I said when I did watch the video it does look like editing. But I didn’t do nothing.
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