Secret empire forever legend times

Just finished my 3rd legends attempt on this event got 4hrs20mins really hoping it's enough... my fastest time by far. Just wondering how fast other ppl have been doing it
Next time, I'll try and get max assassin and greater champion boosts to help me out.
Lol you have a fairly decent chance at getting it. Brighten up man, that's a decent timing. c:
Aaaah, I need to multi-quote next time.
Anyway, what champ did you use? I am in serious doubt that that is your timing when you didn't use any suicides or R4 5*.
Thanks man. Used an iPhone 6 and the loading screen was like 5-6s. Omg.
I'm using my 2 year old iPad Mini 2 haha, loading times are slightly slow. I'd say I could have gotten a bit faster if I wasn't getting a bit brain dead towards the end of the grind. It feels like a marathon, only way more boring lol.
Nice, you have a slight chance at getting it. Anywhere lower than 5 hours has a chance, anywhere above might be quite difficult.
Not too bad, my alliance mate's first run was 8 hours, so that's a good start. :P
Well done bro. What's your ign?
lil woe