spam & abuse

TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
Y someone make my post abuse while it is true? I really duped sl by not pushing button. The little rat means rakoon. I need answer.


  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    edited June 2017
    Y should my post ticked as spam while i was trying to remind to vote again & again in my own poll? I need answer.
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    edited June 2017
    Kabam i need answer from those community ppl who did this. Pls make contact between me & them.
  • ARKANG3L_2099ARKANG3L_2099 Member Posts: 129
    Coz people are asshats..
    Just ignore them
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    Tell me if i m the victim. Or those ppl dont know meaning of spam & abuse.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,944 ★★★★★
    Everyone can mark everything with spam and abuse, just because they want to do it.
    Just ignore that ...
  • TenebrousTenebrificTenebrousTenebrific Administrator, Moderator Posts: 461
    Hey there TheSOURA! This is a portion of the reporting feature on the forums. Players are able to flag posts that they feel may be spam or abuse of the forum rules. When this happens, you will see a flag on your account. This does not mean that moderation has flagged your post. Moderation reviews the flags, and if something is in fact inappropriate we will remove the post and provide an explanation to you.

    In the future, if you have questions about any forum actions taken on your account though, please bring this to moderation in a private message rather than publicly in the forums. Thanks!
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