Classic Vision synthesis bug

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but classic Vision's synthesis is not working properly. Especially at the beginning of a fight. Mine is signature level 99 and is only gaining half a bar of power. Usually he gets almost 2 bars... If you see my attached screen shot, he doesn't even have 1 bar of power after a 5 hit combo. Additionally, subsequent syntheses don't always happen. Generally they happen every 30-35 seconds. But that's not the case now. Pretty dang frustrating. 

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Yesterday I went into the game, and on the very first fight I entered using Visoin, I got hammered senseless, because I *assumed* him to work as normal. In other words, against a champ with 100% powergain boost, I can pop an L1 after the first combo. Which I did. Which failed. Many curse words ensued while I got pummeled.
Won the fight, damn near lost Vision. Uncollected is not the place to find out this changed..
I really do hope this is a bug that will be rectified. If this is a deliberate change to a champion that cost people a good amount of (ingame) currency, this will not go over well.