Does 5.2 need to be 100% to get special, yet unidentified, rewards

Firesteel_BaronFiresteel_Baron Member Posts: 10
I know there has been a lot of reference to there being future rewards for completing 5.2. BUT, I don't understand if all you need to do is complete it or is 100% exploration needed. Please weigh in, I don't want to try 100% if it doesn't impact future favors (or whatever that means).


  • TenebrousTenebrificTenebrousTenebrific Administrator, Moderator Posts: 461
    Hey Firesteel_Baron! If you're looking for rewards from Act 5 Chapter 2, there's already a thread stickied to the top of this section with information!

    Click HERE to review the Act 5 Chapter 2 announcement and discussion thread.

    From the description, it sounds like you're looking to earn the Grandmaster’s Favor. That's a completion reward.
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