Be sure to check rewards on expert trials ppl

I just completed today’s expert trial of the king and instead of 5 star shards I received PHC shards. Nowhere in the rewards section does it state expert will award PHC shards. Anyone else pay attention to that? Also, I would like my 5 star shards please @Kabam Miike


  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 668 ★★★★
    It should be both. You either get PHC shards or the special black panther crystal PLUS 300 5* shards
  • Capt_MegasauceCapt_Megasauce Member Posts: 141
    It should be both. You either get PHC shards or the special black panther crystal PLUS 300 5* shards

    I double checked and it doesn’t show PHC shards in the graphics they posted in their initial post about the trials

  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    You get 5* shards for sure and PHC shards is RNG.

    Got both yesterday.
  • Capt_MegasauceCapt_Megasauce Member Posts: 141
    I actually scrolled down and saw that. My bad, carry on! 🙄🤪
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