Regarding possible bugs/“nerfs”/Champion issues

Did you know that Kabam has an entire section dedicated to bug and issue reporting? It’s called Bugs and Known Issues. If you select the Categories tab at the top of the page it will be the second from the bottom. If you suddenly start having issues with a champion, especially in the days after an update, there is a high probability that other people are experiencing it as well. And they may be quicker than you about coming to the forums to tell everyone. A quick check of the bugs section can help prevent there being TWENTY FRICKIN THREADS ABOUT THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, the person doing the original post needs to put in the correct place, but that’s another rant entirely. Thank you to the mods for trying to stay on top of this, but I know they have you outnumbered. Remember, search is your friend.
Post edited by Kabam Pistachio on
I think the issue is that the mods are "most active" in general discussion, and people post here so that they know their post will be seen.
Let's face it, the bugs section and the suggestions section are graveyards in a lot of cases.