Active, casual, & organized seeking 150+k players for map 3-5 aq, and wars

We are rebuilding an old alliance and seeking new players to fill in the gaps with our friendly alliance. Most in the alliance, about 10 of us have been playing together for years, and have a great relationship. Looking to add like minded individuals to the mix. us: 140-350k players, members: 16, but about 13 real letting some lower leveled players slide. Friendly active adults, doing adult stuff and playing in our free time.
You: similar, and with line. That's how we communicate. If you're antisocial or immature. Please pass, we don't need or desire drama.
In-game & Line name is the same.
Contact me at: fcknonames
You: similar, and with line. That's how we communicate. If you're antisocial or immature. Please pass, we don't need or desire drama.
In-game & Line name is the same.
Contact me at: fcknonames
Thank you.
5x 4/40, skilled fighter and current alliance officer. I’ve been loyal to my alliance for ages but it’s time for me to step up.