1. WASP- from ant-man 2
2.KILLMONGER- from Black Panther movie
3.GLADIATOR HULK- is conected with hulk and thor ragnarok
4.RED SKULL- Is linked only with cap wwii
5.MISS AMERICA- from marvel comics, link fits
7.STEVE ROGERS- a unshield version of Captain America From IW
8 IRONMAN MARK XLVIII- the IW ironman suit
9.VALKYRE- was part of thor ragnarok and is rumored to be in IW
10.SILVER SURFER- history links with Korvak and collector
11.VOID- already in the game
12.DOMINO- From Deadpool 2 movie
13.HAVOK- Cyclop's brother
14.BISHOP-fits with link and history
15.DEATH- fits with the links and already in game with deadpool's cinematic
16.THANE- fits with the links and might be part of infinity wars movie (speculation)
17.CARINA TIVAN-collector's child
18.KORVAC- Carina's husbant
19.ANTI-VENOM- from Venom movie, is conected with Venom and agent venom (Flash Thompson)
20.SCREAM- maybe from vnom movie, a female-like version of the virus
21.MR FANTASTIC- Mr fantastic and Namor where both part of illuminati, Mr. Fantastic can start a new link for fantastic 4 for 2019
22.CULL OBSIDIAN- rename of Black Dwarf, The Black order, Infinity war
23.CLOAK- upcoming series, has history with lots of champions
24.EBONY MAW- The Black order, Infinity war
25.PROXIMA MIDNIGHT - The Black order, Infinity war
26.BLACK SWAN- The Black order, Infinity war
27.CORVUS GLAIVE- The Black order, Infinity war
28.DAGGER- upcoming series, has history with lots of champions
29.BULLSEYE OR LADY BULLSEYE- Both worked with kingpin but i think lady bullseye will be part of deardevil new series (speculation)
30.SABERTOOTH- fits with the links
6 and 31 could be anyone from marvel universe. If i had to guess i would say Nova and Sentinel but there is not any conections with anybody.
1. WASP- from ant-man 2
2.KILLMONGER- from Black Panther movie
3.GLADIATOR HULK- is conected with hulk and thor ragnarok
4.RED SKULL- Is linked only with cap wwii
5.MISS AMERICA- from marvel comics, link fits
7.STEVE ROGERS- a unshield version of Captain America From IW
8 IRONMAN MARK XLVIII- the IW ironman suit
9.VALKYRE- was part of thor ragnarok and is rumored to be in IW
10.SILVER SURFER- history links with Korvak and collector
11.VOID- already in the game
12.DOMINO- From Deadpool 2 movie
13.HAVOK- Cyclop's brother
14.BISHOP-fits with link and history
15.DEATH- fits with the links and already in game with deadpool's cinematic
16.THANE- fits with the links and might be part of infinity wars movie (speculation)
17.CARINA TIVAN-collector's child
18.KORVAC- Carina's husbant
19.ANTI-VENOM- from Venom movie, is conected with Venom and agent venom (Flash Thompson)
20.SCREAM- maybe from vnom movie, a female-like version of the virus
21.MR FANTASTIC- Mr fantastic and Namor where both part of illuminati, Mr. Fantastic can start a new link for fantastic 4 for 2019
22.CULL OBSIDIAN- rename of Black Dwarf, The Black order, Infinity war
23.CLOAK- upcoming series, has history with lots of champions
24.EBONY MAW- The Black order, Infinity war
25.PROXIMA MIDNIGHT - The Black order, Infinity war
26.BLACK SWAN- The Black order, Infinity war
27.CORVUS GLAIVE- The Black order, Infinity war
28.DAGGER- upcoming series, has history with lots of champions
29.BULLSEYE OR LADY BULLSEYE- Both worked with kingpin but i think lady bullseye will be part of deardevil new series (speculation)
30.SABERTOOTH- fits with the links
6 and 31 could be anyone from marvel universe. If i had to guess i would say Nova and Sentinel but there is not any conections with anybody.