Looking for European or Asian players

12.5mil+ alliance looking for members
Infernal Phøeñïx (ally tag is: PYRII)
is looking for new members who are serious about the game, and meet minimum requirements.

we have bgs setup by timezone
bg1: N. American timezone
bg2: European timezone
bg3: Asia timezone (mostly india)

-We play map 5 in AQ,
-Three aw matches per week.
-SA is free play all week, every week

Minimum requirements to join are as follows:

-Prestige above 4.5k
-be able to make weekly donations of:
100k gold, 30k bc, 12.5k loyalty
-minimum scores required in these events:
completion(15k) and duels(650)
-line chat app and Chq required
-be respectful and show teamwork
-must speak english

Anyone who is interested please add me on line chat and send me a pm.
line ID: shubhrayu
In game: Shubhrayu 01


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