Can we get a featured five star arena please?

Enough is enough already. Kabam really, it's long past time we had a five star arena. I've been waiting for Gladiator Hulk since Thor:Ragnarok was announced last year hoping he'd be added to the game and here he is. Unfortunately the only way I can get his five star is through your featured crystal system and those horrible drop rates of yours. Well surprise surprise I missed out on his feature crystal so what options are left? Drop hundreds of dollars on crystals with a still yet to be determined drop rate and hope for the best? That's just ridiculous. What other game operates this way, then you wonder why a certain top tier alliance had several members get banned for what they did. The current state of the game is obviously broken.

At this stage of the game with 6 stars being released 4 star champs are becoming more and more irrelevant each day and no the eff I'm not spending 3+ days of my life to put up over 20 million points in an outdated arena system for a 4 star champ that's becoming useless for endgame content. Those days are long over.

Here's a couple suggestions to get you started, maybe make it only for players who've 100% act 5? Or maybe the top 100 in featured arena get the five star version? Any news you guys can share would be definitely be appreciated.


  • WildpantsWildpants Member Posts: 148
    I appreciate what you're saying. But I can almost guarantee you that even if such arena was added you won't be able to get a 5* champs without spending hundreds of dollars on refreshing your champs and spending 3+ days of your life on non-stop grind. Is it worth it? Who knows? Not me.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I appreciate the thought, but 4 stars are definitely not irrelevant yet.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Noo dont you have enough things to do in the game? There are tons of things and Act 6 is coming. Also, LOL 2.0 is coming too in the near future or a even more special quest.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    That would be awesome!
  • Rogue42Rogue42 Member Posts: 1,006 ★★★
    Then people wouldn’t spend units on the Grandmaster featured crystals at 300 a pop. So yeah, not going to happen.
  • WorldWarWilliamWorldWarWilliam Member Posts: 27
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Noo dont you have enough things to do in the game? There are tons of things and Act 6 is coming. Also, LOL 2.0 is coming too in the near future or a even more special quest.

    No I don't. I've 100% lol and act 5 already and am bored as fluck. Act 6 and LOL 2 are probably at least 3-4 months away and I usually run through the monthly eq in less than 2 days. Getting quite bored with the game as it is and a new arena would definitely keep me and a lot of others in the same position interested enough to keep playing.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Noo dont you have enough things to do in the game? There are tons of things and Act 6 is coming. Also, LOL 2.0 is coming too in the near future or a even more special quest.

    No I don't. I've 100% lol and act 5 already and am bored as fluck. Act 6 and LOL 2 are probably at least 3-4 months away and I usually run through the monthly eq in less than 2 days. Getting quite bored with the game as it is and a new arena would definitely keep me and a lot of others in the same position interested enough to keep playing.

    You don’t have to run through an event quest that fast. You could just use your natural energy that you gain over time.
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    I have a feeling this will happen within the next 6 months. I think the arena system will be revamped with new rewards and more milestones.
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