"Home of the brave" is looking for new players who aim big and want to build a strong alliance.

hi there

"Home of the brave" thats what this all about, an alliance just founded with members who got booted out of their previous one because the alliance grew faster then we could follow. so now we have taken matters into our own hands and want to build an alliance safe for the core and frequent player who are aiming for more then descent awards and and a good group of players.

the goal is to de regular AW/AQ rotations ( atleast map 4 when we are strong enough). we obviously work through the line app, the alliance is open for anybody, and willing to grow (a lot) but unmotivated players wil be booted instantly and in time she will be closed and we can work from there.

so if you managed to read through al this ( for witch you have my thanks ) and you are intrested. look us up or contact me.

Fallxx (in-game name)

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