Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for an active alliance

Hey fellas girls and gals and stuff like that. :)

I'm looking for a decent alliance, that is active. I'm an active daily player.
I can't calculate my prestige properly, but I can give you the list of my best champs.
I tried it and apparently it was a little over 2 grand, and that's hard to believe, like I said, I don't understand that stuff.

I'm not expecting to enter into an amazing alliance and that's only because I'm not ready for that yet.
I just need something that will bring me decent rewards for participating in an alliance's wars and quests.

I'm open to communication via Telegram, Line and even WhatsApp if needed.
I'm an European dude residing in Croatia, so yeah, I hope there is an alliance in Europe.

This one I'm currently in, no one is communicating and literally 60% of them are inactive.
To keep playing, I need a fully active alliance that is chill, and that is active in AQ/AW.
I want to especially get into that kind of stuff.

Not a pro player but a very chill dude. Please, without any donation stuff because I can't even afford stuff for my champs.
I've got other stuff in life to take care of. I got a 9-5 job and I'm a graphics designer too, so it takes time out of my life.

List of top 5 champs:

- 4* Blade 3/5 30/30(he needs upgrading and will be done soon.)
- 4* Ultron 3/5 24/30(same thing for this fella)
- 4* Ghost Rider 3/5 10/30.
- 4* Hyperion 3/5 7/30
- 5* Hyperion 1/5 11/25(this one is my pure luck, I still don't believe I got this dude lol)

I'm currently working on upgrading these dudes as best as I can. Mainly focusing on them and 4* Angela.
Recently, I got a 4* Angela, 4* Captain Murica(OG unfourtunately, I'd love it if it was WWII) and 4* Ant-Man.

Thank you for your input and I hope to be invited to a proper alliance.


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    Im looking for active members for our alliance. We are usa based (-5 gmt for leader and myself) but have zero issues with communication. Im same name in game and on line.
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    add me in line my Line I'd

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    Th3N0t0r10u5Th3N0t0r10u5 Posts: 88
    Hey Dude we are uk based so works time wise!

    Have a look at our Ally The Dark Order. Leader Willy1st.

    We are super chatty and organised doing map54333.

    Hope to see you soon.
  • Options
    Rob6475Rob6475 Posts: 34
    We are a multi family tiered alliance of 6. I can guarantee we have an alliance that you will fit in with an grow. And if you want to be promoted up the ladder if not more than happy to stay put
    If interested reachout to me on my line
  • Options
    JessMJessM Posts: 4
    Hi, our alliance is open and you are more than welcome to join! We are all very active and sign in everyday. My only rule for the group is to be active. We kick players that are inactive for 7+ days. [jgrol] Nova's gift
  • Options
    Justy3Justy3 Posts: 13
    We are a chill active ally, from belgium (europe), just starting up, and looking for players, we play aq and war as much as we can, no donations needed, just fun & no requirements! No stress, no pressure!The serial chillers is the name! (TSC3) would like to see you there :)
  • Options
    Hey Dude we are uk based so works time wise!

    Have a look at our Ally The Dark Order. Leader Willy1st.

    We are super chatty and organised doing map54333.

    Hope to see you soon.

    Looks like your Ally's alliance is on 30/30.
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    SMHSMH Posts: 5
    Check out LoS-1, we r USA based and play everyday....we need someone willing to work on game with us and communicate with alliance...thats all I ask bro.
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    Chech us: ally tag tntro.
    My line id: cross_hawk
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    007md92007md92 Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    U can join. Building a new team.
    Need players.
    It will take some time.
    But in this time u can focus on story quest untill the team is min 10 members.
    Then we can play aq map 3.
    No pressure.
    U can become officer in no time.
    Alliance name : Republic of Gamers
    My in game id : 007md92
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    Blaz1ng_3ch0Blaz1ng_3ch0 Posts: 169
    Hey, still looking? Check us out: Fire strike. We are a chilled alliance doing aq map 4 and 3 or 2 depends. We do 2 bg war and ranked silver 3 last season. We use whatsapp for communication but its not neccesarry if you dont want to. Most of our players are from SA but we have people from aroud the world. No donations needed. If you have questions or anything find me in game
    In game name: Blazing Echo
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