"Ultron's Regeneration not Working" Pt.1

Okay. I am really pissed about what happened with my Ultron vs BPCW in MJ's Challenge. I was about to regenerate (the first regen part of ultron less that 50%). It was showing PROCESSING.. then I waited for it to show up. But nothing. No regen. What happened? I didn't get stunned by bpcw's reflective armor since my ultron made a wide distance from bpcw. This isn't the first time I've experienced it, and mostly this bug happens on arena. Again, I was not stunned during the PROCESSING.. text. How about that? Am I the only one experiencing this bug? I'm just pissed since that regen was my last resort to certain times and it makes ultron very good. Thanks and please resolve this (if it will ever be resolved).
Edit: if you are doing part 4, he has a heal block for 10 seconds following a special. Thats probably what happened.
I have not experienced ultrons healing failing to proc, unless heal block debuff is up
Too many things to consider. Certain champs prevent defensive abilities from proc. Need actual proof or these complaints will fall on deaf ears.
1st when I was fighting in Alliance War against Mordo. My ultron dropped below 50% and processing showed up but my Ultron didn't regenerated his health. I thought there must something I missed, so I didn't think about that much.
Again in Alliance quest, I was using my Ultron and he didn't regenerated after dropping below 50%. I was so pissed off about that.
I don't remember any heal block debuff on my Ultron or getting stunned after PROCESSING showed up.
That's definitely a bug. His 1st regen (after dropping below 50%) doesn't work sometimes.
Pheonix vs duped iron Patriot 3% health left and no regain triggered ( image), 4k nc vs 5k duped superior iron Man 9% left health no regain triggered ( image), Groot vs Ultron no regain triggered, Angela vs iron Man no regain triggered and there's been more situations than that where those just didn't regain.
Numerous times I've fought those type of champions with ones no heal blocking no abilities that affect healing and saw that they were not triggering their regains including Ultron.
Just because you might have not seen it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, and I agree if you don't have proof it will fall on deaf ears.
Trying to remember the other ones I've seen around will look later
Nah. No heal blocks applied. It happened after i used revive on ultron (40%) then potions to stack up to at least 50% health. Block damage from bpcw then processing. It happened at the start of the fight.