Third Special Animations

TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
I think that certain champions should have different 3rd special animations when using their third special on certain champions.

For example - Hulk Ragnarok should have a different animation against thor ragnarok and loki. He should lift them and beat them 5 times just like in avengers and thor ragnarok
Crossbones should have a different animation against captain america. Maybe he could throw a grenade of caps shield. When cap throws it away crossbones will attack
Doctor Strange should have a different animation against Dormammu. He should say dormammu ive come to bargain and then after dormammu unsuccessfully hits him, strange should hit him.

In general I think that some animations should be changed based on the movies and the champions you are fighting. This would make the game more enjoyable. The majority of the animation would remain the same but some would change.

What other animations do you guys think should be changed based on the champions you are fighting?
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