Simple issues we need fixed now

After months and years of seeing these ridiculous problems here’s a quick list of a few things that should have been solved a long time ago:
1) reduel button
We all duel the same stupid guys for the same reason... duel event. When we do we due 10-15 times in a row...same guy. We used to have to copy paste the name to refind and reduel a guy again, which was stupid enough. But now we get returned to the home page, where we can relaunch the whole dueling window... two MORE taps?!? Who on earth thought this was a good idea. Just PUT A REDUEL BUTTON ON THE VIEW AFTER A DUEL AND LET US REPEAT. Nothing positive comes from this ridiculous time suck we have now.
2) class battle event economics
These have always been stupid, but I’m just done with this outlier of an event. The economics are hosed... no one does it because the point rewards are way too low, particularly given the rewards. Don’t believe me? I recently got 113 rank for a class battle and got... 11-20%. For 113th! That means there is literally NO ONE finishing this thing, and that rank is pointless. I did another, got 130th, and didn’t even place... not even 11-20!!! That’s just ridiculous. Points should be comparable with class arena events, period.
3) t1a availability
This is completely broken with the introduction of 5*s. It takes 21 alphas to rank up a 5*. You can hold 15. Putting aside aq rank rewards (which only top alliances get a plethora of) you can earn about 8 a month... that’s 1 for each weekly alpha arena and 4 for event quest rewards. Maybe you can get one from a greater solo crystal or something, so make it 9. You’ll never rank in the arena (7.5 million), so that’s out. That means that fully ranking up 1 5* without aq takes about 2.5 months. Are you kidding me?!? If you can’t rank a character with the resources you can earn from a month of hard work the system is broken and the economics are trash. The alpha arena should have its milestone rewards doubled or have another milestone at 1.1m with 2 more alphas, and the alpha reward for quests should be increased.
There are plenty of other stupid things that should be changed, like why can’t I refill my arena class bonus boosts from the arena?!? I have to go to inventory every time? CMON! But those three are at least a start.
1) reduel button
We all duel the same stupid guys for the same reason... duel event. When we do we due 10-15 times in a row...same guy. We used to have to copy paste the name to refind and reduel a guy again, which was stupid enough. But now we get returned to the home page, where we can relaunch the whole dueling window... two MORE taps?!? Who on earth thought this was a good idea. Just PUT A REDUEL BUTTON ON THE VIEW AFTER A DUEL AND LET US REPEAT. Nothing positive comes from this ridiculous time suck we have now.
2) class battle event economics
These have always been stupid, but I’m just done with this outlier of an event. The economics are hosed... no one does it because the point rewards are way too low, particularly given the rewards. Don’t believe me? I recently got 113 rank for a class battle and got... 11-20%. For 113th! That means there is literally NO ONE finishing this thing, and that rank is pointless. I did another, got 130th, and didn’t even place... not even 11-20!!! That’s just ridiculous. Points should be comparable with class arena events, period.
3) t1a availability
This is completely broken with the introduction of 5*s. It takes 21 alphas to rank up a 5*. You can hold 15. Putting aside aq rank rewards (which only top alliances get a plethora of) you can earn about 8 a month... that’s 1 for each weekly alpha arena and 4 for event quest rewards. Maybe you can get one from a greater solo crystal or something, so make it 9. You’ll never rank in the arena (7.5 million), so that’s out. That means that fully ranking up 1 5* without aq takes about 2.5 months. Are you kidding me?!? If you can’t rank a character with the resources you can earn from a month of hard work the system is broken and the economics are trash. The alpha arena should have its milestone rewards doubled or have another milestone at 1.1m with 2 more alphas, and the alpha reward for quests should be increased.
There are plenty of other stupid things that should be changed, like why can’t I refill my arena class bonus boosts from the arena?!? I have to go to inventory every time? CMON! But those three are at least a start.