Mordo on Mesmerize Triggers Astral Evade

Facing Mordo in the daily quest, when he triggers mesmerize and I get stunned he also triggers Astral Evade which is suppose to only trigger when Mordo gets stunned. This happened with each champ I used against him and is easy to reproduce.


  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    Same for me. I still took him in one shot but it was dumb but so is mesmerize.
  • Ayushk12Ayushk12 Member Posts: 153
    Same here. Thought of putting it up but saw your post
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
    I saw the same thing--it would be nice if one of the mods could explain the mechanics of this "feature."

    As I understand it, astral evade occurs when Mordo is stunned and is attacked by most champs (Drax and a couple of others excluded). Why it would trigger when Mordo has stunned the player is confusing.

    Any help on this one?

    Dr. Zola
  • AgentDoom9AgentDoom9 Member Posts: 271 ★★
    It is probably conflicting with his base evade. Astral evade is set to whenever he evades so when he does a mesmerize evade he does astral at the same time.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Same for me really annoying
  • pplbryanpplbryan Member Posts: 37
    And then bane transfers...
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