Can somebody enlighten me about this?

We just had a war with this ally and our 5* r5/65 duped Magik (MD lvl5) who we placed as the right mini boss (immune debuff node, because we are on tier 3 AW) got 1 kill only.
If the guy who killed her has a proper champs like Blade, Void, Gwenpool, Luke Cage, Modok, Magik, etc... we won’t be surprised. But actually this guy can kill our magik in his 2nd attempt which we cannot imagine how he did it with his team (4* r5/50 hulk, 4* r4/40 the hood, 4* r4/40 Scarlet Witch)
Please can somebody (pro gamers) enlighten me (amateur) this guy can actually did it with his team 🙈🙈🙈
If the guy who killed her has a proper champs like Blade, Void, Gwenpool, Luke Cage, Modok, Magik, etc... we won’t be surprised. But actually this guy can kill our magik in his 2nd attempt which we cannot imagine how he did it with his team (4* r5/50 hulk, 4* r4/40 the hood, 4* r4/40 Scarlet Witch)
Please can somebody (pro gamers) enlighten me (amateur) this guy can actually did it with his team 🙈🙈🙈
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
Btw, it's a no-no to call out players... you may have wanted to black out his name.
No power lock debuff since she was in immune devuff
Our 5 star rank 5/65 duped magik only got 1 kill (probably from his 4 star rank 4 SW) and that’s makes no sense at all unless when he fought her, our limbo didn’t occur as it should be. I will screen shoot our magik data
Couldn’t it should be categorized as debuff things? Anyway i never heard about his stagger could purify limbo...
did anyone else take the same path as him?
plz answer my question as that can be the case
Nope. Solo player
Power drain isn’t consider as debuff but power gained by 5 star champ is larger than when you hit a 4 star. And since SW’s regen buff has been nerfed by Kabam, can her regen buff actually overcome limbo’s damage. And not to mention when her “multiple regen buffs” got expired, our magik should get a lot of power due to her mystic dispersion (lvl5). It could be happen if she can power lock our magik but power lock is impossible on immune debuff node
You meant like the trick “when she got her limbo on” then pause the game till it went “time out” and then juiced up and fight her again?
For your case, he brought in a proper rival for mephisto: Quake. If the player is professional, he could just use her heavy attack and parry his incoming attack and when the earthquake scale reaches 14, the after damage is awesome. I am always do that when i fought a mephisto on quest.
You can’t imagine how hard is a 5 star rank 5/65 duped magik’s limbo damage feels like... took 2-3 times should kill a 4 star rank 4 champ. Even she doesn’t need to land a hit 🙈🙈🙈.
Like i said, unless the game has a bug in it and made silent our magik’s sig ability (Limbo). Even if you have a 5 star rank 3 Blade should be difficult to defeat a 5 star rank 5/65 duped magik on immune debuff node (no bleeding = no power gain).
Hmmm 🤔