Which character would you want between these four god tier champs as a 5 star

Cats4lifeCats4life Member Posts: 141
edited February 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
At of all these god tier characters which one would you want?

Which character would you want between these four god tier champs as a 5 star 15 votes

buffajrraffsterTom3579NiteAndDaeTheMarauder53ElitehunterNext2HellCats4lifePsychoticSlayerScopeotoe987 10 votes
Stark enhanced spider man
Ashraf359UrrymonsterCats73 3 votes
Kpatrix 1 vote
xananabanana 1 vote


  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Unfortunately, Blade makes the other three look bad. This is no contest. Better poll would be Stark, Medusa or Iceman. But then Stark would probably win.


    Maybe: Medusa, Arch Angel, Iceman, Magik, GwenPool, Hyperion would be a better poll.
  • Cats4lifeCats4life Member Posts: 141
    Oh yeah I forgot about them ill do a other poll tomorrow so stick by and see the action
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    It's all a matter of preference. I really like Medusa, spent $20 to get her as a 3* when her feature came out and just last week got her as a 4* from a phc shard crystal. Awakened and dropped some sigs on her then took her to 5/50, just love the way she plays.

    I don't have a blade and while he is better, my heart belongs to Medusa. My dream team is 6* BB and Karnak along with a 5* Medusa even. Everyone else can have their Blade, SeS, and GR, give me the Inhumans !
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