Stopped Running

Sorry if the wrong section, didn't see a tech support option....
Just started playing about a month ago and I have it installed on my old Nexus 10 (android v5.x), my new Yoga Tab 3 Plus (just 2 days ago, and WOW... guess the game auto adjusts graphics based on hardware and night and day difference... running v7.x)) and I have it installed on my phone, a Samsung Galaxy running 6.01.
I close the game, notifications are off, and when I press the button to show minimized apps, I swipe/close the app completely. I don't leave stuff running. But for some reason lately, about once a day I get told that its stopped running, ok/report. No idea why, should be fully closed off. Any ideas?
Also... small annoyance... upper right corner of the screen, that takes you to the store. More often than not when new bundles show up, a red circle with a number in it comes up, and no matter how many times I click it, scroll around and stuff, that red circled number will just not go away. Bottom right corner does that on occasion as well. This happens on all 3 devices.
Just started playing about a month ago and I have it installed on my old Nexus 10 (android v5.x), my new Yoga Tab 3 Plus (just 2 days ago, and WOW... guess the game auto adjusts graphics based on hardware and night and day difference... running v7.x)) and I have it installed on my phone, a Samsung Galaxy running 6.01.
I close the game, notifications are off, and when I press the button to show minimized apps, I swipe/close the app completely. I don't leave stuff running. But for some reason lately, about once a day I get told that its stopped running, ok/report. No idea why, should be fully closed off. Any ideas?
Also... small annoyance... upper right corner of the screen, that takes you to the store. More often than not when new bundles show up, a red circle with a number in it comes up, and no matter how many times I click it, scroll around and stuff, that red circled number will just not go away. Bottom right corner does that on occasion as well. This happens on all 3 devices.
Main annoyance though is that 'stopped working' message when it's been closed and notifications disabled. Very weird.