Reformed Alliance LF Active and Competent 18+ members.

We recently reformed our Alliance to create a casual, but productive environment. We play this game for fun, but it's not fun if people leach off others. If you're looking for a relaxed Alliance that enforces AQ participation, this is the place. We use ClanHQ, but the use of the app is not required as long as you're active and participate in the AQs.

AQ Focused - AQ Map3 until donations are built for Map4. Doing Map 5 ASAP.

AW is not a priority - We do AW daily for the rewards, but focus on diversity.

No Prestige or Team rating minimums. No objective minimums. Donations are required for Map4/5.

Contact me if interested:
In-game: Lourido!
Line: Lourido1
ClanHQ: Lourido#XabC
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