How increased attack of gladiator hulk works?

Hi everyone

Recently pulled 5* gladiator hulk and took him to r3. Read his description in which it is said that if you hit an enemy with heavy and it smashes you get about 1k increase in attack and same thing goes if sp3 smashes. I went to check it out against Red Hulk. After fighting again my with with 2 timers with about 250 hits didn’t observe any damage increase. I made sure that heavy attack and sp3 smashes as when crowd was 100 use sp3 and as much heavy as possible. Or every 15 sec his next attack smashes so when you see there is a smash sign either used heavy or sp3. And during entire fight the damage dealt didn’t change at all. Not sure if it’s a bug or attack increases just for heavy and sp3. The reason I am confused no further description is said on how long that boost in attack last and can you stack it. Thank you for your time. And thanks for anyone clearing this one for me.


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