Never saw the clouds, i just get the black placeholder or a horrible white square. In any case it goes away by reconnecting to your network, or by changing networks.
This is happening to me with a champions profile picture. In quests, fights, crystals, and even in my roster. Please fix this soon it’s really bothering me
This is seriously getting out of hand. First, someone's mischievous Loki escaped, leaving a cloud formation. Then, someone forgot to lock the inventory door, Loki sneaked in and stole some of their items, leaving more cloud formation. Now, Loki influenced more champions to escape, leaving more cloud formations, and stole everyone from the inventory, leaving nothing but clouds !!!!
Let's hunt Loki down, he has gone beyond control, and is now starting to break havoc!!!
LOL, just kidding. Saw someone reporting only 1 or 2 clouds, but yours is way too many!! Wow!!
OK Vincent Twice Vincent Twice. Lol
Let's hunt Loki down, he has gone beyond control, and is now starting to break havoc!!!
LOL, just kidding. Saw someone reporting only 1 or 2 clouds, but yours is way too many!! Wow!!