Former 10m 5x5 (100m+) AQ Alliance, Reforming after a month break. LF solo members or a group of 10

Former 10m group reforming after most of us disbanded to take a break from the game after the December grind. Many original members re-joining over next few days, but will still be looking for approx 10 new members. Bring your BG!
- looking for approx 10 new members. Either solo, or bring a group.
- Goal is to get back to AQ 5 x Map5 once we fill rank again. This group typically scored 100m weekly in AQ.
- AW, typically tier 3-6
- Donations not hardline, but some donations expected. Aim is 135k gold, 30k BC, 12,500 Loyalty per week. (once we start the map5s again)
- Line App Req
- Alliance tag [P.Cs4]
- Add me in the game if interested, "Greek Beek". Or request to join Alliance.
** NOTE, ideally looking for members with good prestige and some "blue titles" achieved to demonstrate ability to run AQ 5x5.
- looking for approx 10 new members. Either solo, or bring a group.
- Goal is to get back to AQ 5 x Map5 once we fill rank again. This group typically scored 100m weekly in AQ.
- AW, typically tier 3-6
- Donations not hardline, but some donations expected. Aim is 135k gold, 30k BC, 12,500 Loyalty per week. (once we start the map5s again)
- Line App Req
- Alliance tag [P.Cs4]
- Add me in the game if interested, "Greek Beek". Or request to join Alliance.
** NOTE, ideally looking for members with good prestige and some "blue titles" achieved to demonstrate ability to run AQ 5x5.