Moon knight or Elektra 4/40?
Both 3/30 atm. Moon is duped. Which one to rank? And i dont care about answers about how i should not do it. My roster is decent, just need some thoughts on this.
On the other hand, if you are in need of someone a bit tanky who is genuinely fun to play with, Moon Knight is more fun. His health is really high; and can carry you through quests. His animations are very slick, and his SP3 is much cooler (even if it inexplicably doesn't inflict bleed).
His Sig is also much underappreciated - a 30% power boost (or -30% opponent's Power Gain) makes a big difference; and you can often get an SP2 off before your opponent. If you aren't good at baiting specials, it can make the difference between your opponent reaching their SP3 and them not getting to it. Also, in the week of the full moon, he gets a crazy ability to Stun; which makes him seriously effective that week.
So if your roster is already pretty good:
Moon Knight is more fun (says me)
Moon Knight will give you a decent champ for 3/4 of the time, and a really good champ 1/4 of the time.
Moon Knight can help you reduce the number of special attacks you'll face.
Electra will give you more versatility and ability to counter opponents with special defenses (although less than, say, Black Widow)
Electra makes an amazing finisher; when you're using more than one champ for taking down tough opponents.
Being able to Bleed or cause armor break on bleed immune is a great perk.