You'll need a strong team of champions by your side....

Jlf2nJlf2n Member Posts: 34
So here is a 2 star Black Panther. LOL seriously, who comes up with this ****.? Do you guys let you your grandmas come up with the player rewards? "Here you go sonny, here's a nickel for mowing that acre sized lot."

Why do you do **** like this? It makes you look so freaking greedy and it's such a turn off.


  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    Who cares.

    At least I could one of the useless awakening gems in my inventory.

    PS: I'm no language guy but I'm not sure giving someone something for free would be considered greed.
  • Icecold2099Icecold2099 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    It's a champ you can't get from a phc or 2* crystal. Even though the message that came with the hero was about using it to win, it's really for collection purposes.

    If you don't want the hero, sell him, you can't dupe him for 3* shards so it's whatever really.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Stop complaining
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    People were complaining last december that they were getting a free 4* champ (howard the mighty duck), now they are complaining that they’re getting a new unique not available any other way champ........just.......sigh.
    If it’s the ingame text that came with this new champ that’s bothering you: it fits with the style of the game (or something like that).
  • FrodoT_BagginsFrodoT_Baggins Member Posts: 45
    why r u complaining about free stuff
  • Chuckylo85Chuckylo85 Member Posts: 7
    I had a 4* bpcw already tho
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    It’s something u didn’t have. Something that u can’t get. Something they didn’t have to do. But yet come here and complain. Kabam could give everyone a free Odin and people will complain that that’s all they got for free was 3100 units.
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