Increase the cap on Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts to 20

BioHaZarD007BioHaZarD007 Member Posts: 58
edited February 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
Most of the Mid Range players have the problem of not completing Act 5 since it gives us 6-7 tier 2 alpha catalysts. We cannot complete/explore if the cap on tier 2 alpha catalysts is not increased. Not every one has champions that they wish to rank up to rank 4 as a 5 star. It's sitting in our stash and expiring away, and they are such rare items which cannot be obtained very easily, we do not want our hard earned tier 2 alpha to be wasted this way.

Increase the cap on Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts to 20 26 votes

Increase Cap of t2alpha to 20
JOHNOSA1995Renegade_DoggyHULK_BREAKJac094Emil_LimsonBioHaZarD007F4k3_GaM3rRapidlySpiritOfVengeanceKenshioshchong2UltimateFuriousPrince32 13 votes
I'm fine with the way it is
CapWW2DizastarCpcBoyboyFoxhero007BlaargoL1d3rADrDeadpoolmfleuryMattScott 9 votes
Will the developers even respond? Also, increase the cap to 20 if you do.
HotCarlosGAM3RGUYSgtSlaughter78Bahamut 4 votes


  • Jac094Jac094 Member Posts: 198
    Increase Cap of t2alpha to 20
    By finishing actual monthly quest i'll form a tier2, that will be stocked in my inventory, i've an embarassing rooster of 5s and, groot, hulkbuster, colossus, ironfist, king groot, rocket, nebula, juggernaut, phoenix, no one deserve to be 4/55ed.. and i know that alpha2 will expire..
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Increase Cap of t2alpha to 20
    This game is about progression, may of the CAP limit, be it inventory, energy, prizes, etc are OUT-DATED and have been STAGNANT for sooooooooooooooooo looooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggg. For the sake of making this game GREAT once again and appealing to old and new players once again, after soooo many bugs, it makes sense for the developers to update and increase the CAP limit. They can start with the Energy Cap limit, then to the Investory, and lastly various Arena and Event/Solo Mission/Alliance Mission prizes. Honestly by doing this, Kabam has little to loose, and alot to gain.

    Happy customers, happy revenue & financial statement.
  • DizastarDizastar Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2018
    I'm fine with the way it is
    So, I am probably a hypocrite because I am hording my T2A's and not ranking who I have hoping for a god tier pull, but instead of increasing the cap players should just rank up their champs. I mean, if we took them to R3... R4 isn't that much of a difference.
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    Increase Cap of t2alpha to 20
    not only Alpha all cap to 20-25 minimum
  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    I'm fine with the way it is
    I’m with cpc. Use them. Did you used to save all your t1a or t4cc for god tier champs only? Why do they same for t2a
  • BioHaZarD007BioHaZarD007 Member Posts: 58
    Increase Cap of t2alpha to 20
    yeah. I agree with all of you, but not everyone is at the end game and not many people have the so called 'God Tier' champs and yet they are giving us t2a from the login calendar every other month, which is pretty useless to many people including myself.
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