10m 5x5 Alliance Looking for Members 4200+ Prestige

The Heralds of Ragnarok (HofR) are looking for active members that communicate and play well in a team environment. We work hard but also strive to have fun.
LINE required and contacts are listed above or you contact Chalbron in game.
130k Gold
30k BC
12.5k Loyalty
Event Mins:
8k SA
10k 3-Day Completion
650 Duels
Buddy4141. 4987 prestige
Puppy2929. 4738 prestige )
Would like to surround myself with players with good team values
My Line app user name is Puppy2929
We’re over 11m now and over 1500 war rating, Gold 1.
My mcoc name is Anpucheliyan so you can see my profile.
Hope you response soo. I'm From Philippines. so my time zone will be GMT +8
Can I join you guys? My account is 214k