Looking for a good few players!!

carmona77carmona77 Member Posts: 8
MFFH (**** FROM HELL). We are looking for active player to rebuild. We are AQ focused but we run AW at the same time. Was running AQ schedule as 55555. We ask that you have at least 11 4|40s to accommodate Quest and war.

We are looking for active members that can handle themselves and take care of business. 150k plus rating.

We use line to communicate, and strategize so having a line account is a must!

The UNFORGIVEN (MFFH) Alliance requires every member to participate in following areas.
1) 3 day completion (15k minimum)
2) 3 day item use (2500)
3) 24hr duel event (650)
4) AQ All 3 group finish map 5 100%
5) pay attention to your group chat and privet chat.
The attack team is up to you the defense is up to officers.
Paths in AW are assigned to each player.
We are a pretty laid back group with a very strong core of guys that have been together for a little while now, we like to have fun and keep the ally drama free. If you are someone who wants to focus on getting rewards and getting stronger this is the place for you.

Please contact me in game or line if interested: carmona77
we are looking forward to hearing from you!
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