Will there be another round of champion update testing coming?

Recently we had the Red Hulk and Luke Cage testing and subsequent buffs. I'm curious if there is going to be something else like this in the near future. Plenty of champions that need improvement and lots of neat ideas out there.
If they address the magnetos and marvels, they should only bother with red mags and cap marvel. Leave MMN and ms marvel alone and keep them as 4* max
My issue is not so much that they need an Upgrade, it's that they're so similar. It wouldn't matter to me which they change.
Understood, but they won’t make a champ worse so may as well only address the ones that are 5*.
I don't think that is a reasonable thing to expect because Upgrades aren't just for higher Ratities. People are still using 4*s.
Not saying they aren’t. But if a champion is a 3*, 4* and 5*. Wouldn’t it make more sense to buff them over a character is only 3* and 4*. Then you benefit more of the playerbase
I’m not sure you understand the term “reasonable”. Maybe not “likely” or “realistic”, but my suggestion is definitely reasonable.
I’m not sure you understand the term “reasonable”. Maybe not “likely” or “realistic”, but my suggestion is definitely reasonable.
I meant reasonable. It's not reasonable to ask them to focus only on Champs that are 5*s because that is what we focus on. Other people play with Champs that are not available as 5*s.
So you think it would be reasonable for them to focus on champs that are available only as 3*/4* instead of champs that are available as 3*/4*/5*? Pretty sure more players would play with the champs in the second group, so it’s more reasonable to attend to them.