Level 60 players, XP boost, possible gold boosts and shortage of gold.

Jimmy_Utah83Jimmy_Utah83 Member Posts: 246
Many of us at lvl 60 get the XP boost that don’t help us in our MCOC journey except for item use. Instead of XP boost I think there should be a increased gold, BC, loyalty boost similar to the boost we got during summoner appreciation week. There could be 2-3 boost that offer 10%, 20% 30% boost in above mentioned or even just gold. Boosts could last from 12-24 hrs.

Many of us have been posting about the lack of gold that hasn’t been adjusted to the rate we are getting 5* crystals. Sure, not all 5s are worth ranking up but since the additions to the basic pool there are more worthy rank up champs. Add in the gold costs for 6* champs to that. This game can turn into a countless grind of doing arena to get BC, Heroic-Uncollected event quest, AQ/AW. Is the goal to keep us constantly in this game when most of all of us have greater responsibilities outside of this game?

It’s fun ranking up new decent 5* champs but not being able to do so b/c of a lack of gold isn’t. Everyone doesn’t have this problem and will say to hit arena. Personally I don’t have time w/ work, my fiancé and just living life to just grind countless hours to get gold from arena. I think gold boosts would be a step in the right direction and even a gold quest every 4 weeks.


  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Or even a halls of fortune once or twice a week.
  • Jimmy_Utah83Jimmy_Utah83 Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2018
    Savio444 wrote: »
    Or even a halls of fortune once or twice a week.

    That’s what I meant for gold quest. I agree but doubt they would do every 2 weeks. You can get around 3 mil (could be wrong) gold if they did it for 6-7 days. If they ran it for 1 full week every 2-3 months that would be great.
  • LaserjungeLaserjunge Member Posts: 33
    Hi, I like to revive this post for the sake of the idea of Gold boosts.

    Since more and more threads appear about gold realms, which will anyway not happen on a regular basis, gold boost might be a nice workaround for Kabam to satisfy their players.

    In particular as a high level player (i.e., lvl 60 players) you keep collecting the 40% and 50% experience boosts which are totally useless at this point of the game. Can’t they be replaced by gold boosts then?
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★

    Hi, I like to revive this post for the sake of the idea of Gold boosts.

    Since more and more threads appear about gold realms, which will anyway not happen on a regular basis, gold boost might be a nice workaround for Kabam to satisfy their players.

    In particular as a high level player (i.e., lvl 60 players) you keep collecting the 40% and 50% experience boosts which are totally useless at this point of the game. Can’t they be replaced by gold boosts then?

  • cx23433cx23433 Member Posts: 465 ★★

    Hi, I like to revive this post for the sake of the idea of Gold boosts.

    Since more and more threads appear about gold realms, which will anyway not happen on a regular basis, gold boost might be a nice workaround for Kabam to satisfy their players.

    In particular as a high level player (i.e., lvl 60 players) you keep collecting the 40% and 50% experience boosts which are totally useless at this point of the game. Can’t they be replaced by gold boosts then?

    It won't happen
  • LaserjungeLaserjunge Member Posts: 33
    Hu?! And you are what kind of expert. This is by far the easiest and less-profitable solution on the increasing gold requests.
    So why not?
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    I can agree with you about the xp boosts! Useless to summoners at 60!.and the 50 percent one lasts forever! I disagree about the gold. I dupe 4s and sell the iso! I delay ranking till i can do it without feeling it in my supply line. That is how i have managed to accumulate 28 million in Gold. I never go above the top 10% in an arena...don't have time...i can get to 10 percent in the featured in 24 hours only playing my roster (really only part of my roster) four times...soooo....for me the shortage is in t4d...but i support any call to give us something useful instead of xp boosts! And those crytals (the daily event crystals) those should dropmthings based on title as well! They should drop stuff useful to the tier or the title we hold!
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
  • SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
    And we all know nobody will waste a mastery point on pittance. 😂
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Oh yeah! The same arena where he finished in 45 minutes was one that many summoners got reimbursed supplies for because it was jacked up! Sooo...call me jaded but these kinds of posts are strickly to sell crystals.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Reviving this thread amongst all the other gold request thread is ridiculous.

    One thing I taught my kids since they could speak was that crying that they want something over and over again is just an irritation.

    Didn’t expect to see that behavior amongst adults too.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Sorry guys wrong discussion on the last one! Sorry!
  • LaserjungeLaserjunge Member Posts: 33
    xNig said:

    Reviving this thread amongst all the other gold request thread is ridiculous.


    Didn’t expect to see that behavior amongst adults too.

    What a useless comment on somebody who just tries to be constructive and to avoid opening multiple threads about Gold realms over and over again.

    Come on. Teach yourself.

    If nobody is interested Kabam can ignore this idea.

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