resources for 4 stars

They are already focusing on getting ascension resources for the 5 and 6 stars ... because they do not lower the resources they ask for to ascend to a 4 * to 5/50 how to lower the basic and class catalysts?
"Kabam is focusing on making ascension resources for 5 and 6 stars more available, so why don't they lower the required catalysts to rank up a four star to rank 5?"
It is very unlikely they would do that. For starters, a rank 5 four star is still pretty strong, and easier to get than their 5 star counterpart.
What I do think they should do, is lower requirements to take a 5 star to rank 2, as this is pretty much at the same level as a 4/40. I am talking mostly about t1 alphas.
But I do not think they will change the class and basic catalyst requirements now, it would cause too many complains from the community, since they already invested in champions.
When they do change the requirements, is before making the catalysts available (like what they did early on for 4 and 5 stars).