Delinquent Alliance Quest Rewards

BoatdudeBoatdude Member Posts: 11
edited February 2018 in General Discussion
Our alliance members still haven't received the Dormamu's Dominion Rewards for this last AQ cycle.

Any clue as to when they'll be dispersed?

Boatdude (CHAB1)


  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,869 ★★★★
    Boatdude wrote: »
    Our alliance members still haven't received the Dormamu's Dominion Rewards for this last AQ cycle.

    Any clue as to when they'll be dispersed?

    Boatdude (CHAB1)

    Gee....if only there was a thread about this earlier, they probably would have resolved it already.
  • Samcro420Samcro420 Member Posts: 18
    There is a thread for this. It's 8 pages of us complaining while kabam says nothing
  • BoatdudeBoatdude Member Posts: 11
    Yup they just dispersed the awards.

    And you are a funny guy, Salswerd.
  • BoatdudeBoatdude Member Posts: 11
    So how do I delete this thread. (I did search for this thread topic before posting but kabam forum search sucks!)
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    I’m assuming that they are paying out in order of alliances that they hate the least to those they activity despise. As my group still hasn’t gotten them, and we were among the last to get SA, I’m working from the position that they REALLY don’t care for us. We should likely just get out before completely wear out our welcome...
  • RupertcerealRupertcereal Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018
    Still None for us either
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