Monthly Event Quest Waste of Time

Hi has anyone had a thought that monthly event quest is extremely boring and a waste of time. It’s such a burnout for me to keep running the same map over and over again that i can easily beat just to unlock the key for map I actually want to play (expert). Can we get a change to this (ie expert unlocked immediately for certain level players)?
Yeah, and that’s 300 Units you COULD be spending on Revives, or Energy Refills, or Mastery Cores. Plus it’s only available to the Uncollected who can do Uncollected difficulty
Make it so you only need to fully explore the last chapter completely to get the key rather all chapters. The last chapter's difficulty is the only Skill determining factor anyways isn't it? I mean if you can do the 3rd you can do the others.
What say ye @Kabam Miike ?
🤔 maybe you’re right