Should I rank 4 5* hyperion unduped? already have 4* 5/50 duped
It depends on what are your goals for the future. He's a good champ but ranking unduped 5 stars is not a good prestige choice since it's kinda hard to dupe a 5 star unless you have an awakening gem.
Dupe is not really important and I personally think you only truely need that if you are an extremely slow fighter. I know many people with rank 4 5 star hyperions that are unduped and they are happy with the results.
His sig only makes his buffs last longer, which is awesome, indeed, but not required for him to be a very powerful champ.
It depends on what are your goals for the future. He's a good champ but ranking unduped 5 stars is not a good prestige choice since it's kinda hard to dupe a 5 star unless you have an awakening gem.
Rank him up.