Yellow Jacket SP1 Not Working After 5 Hit Combo

I have tried ending with a L attack and a M attack
i have also tried his SP2 and it doesn't work they just block after the 5 hit combo
Here is the video Proof:
i have also tried his SP2 and it doesn't work they just block after the 5 hit combo
Here is the video Proof:
Yellowjacket is one of the unfortunate champs who's specials have a long start up and the ai just blocks them left and right most of the time which makes using his first and second useless.
It kind of sucks since I really like using him, and have since I got him but lately he isn't performing as good mainly because I barely get successful specials off depending on who I'm facing and where I'm facing them.
I really wish kabam would lower the ai recovery time back where it used to be since I'm getting a little annoyed at having them just block, get up quickly, or just shrugging them off.