Looking for a 10m+ 5x5 AQ and high war rating Alliance
Sorry for creating a new post but old one had a misleading title(don't know why..propably auto-correct messed it up!)!
Anyway,so me and my friend are looking for a new ally,ideally 10m+ and with high war rating!We don't have he best profiles/prestige but we are both skilled!
Pm me on line, “leonbeni93” if you are intrested!!!You can reply in this chat if you can’t find me on line!
Anyway,so me and my friend are looking for a new ally,ideally 10m+ and with high war rating!We don't have he best profiles/prestige but we are both skilled!
Pm me on line, “leonbeni93” if you are intrested!!!You can reply in this chat if you can’t find me on line!