Is it worth ranking up and using my 5* undped dr vodoo
As the questions says i need help. I have four 5 star champions Dr. Voodoo, Ant-man,Civil Warrior and Spiderman classic now i am working towards chapter 5 and i only have 4/40 4 star champions and am struggling to get passed chapter 5 so would it be worth it ??
Unduped can do everything duped can do besides lowering ability accuracy. Then dumping him just makes him that much better and worse case scenario, when you finish act 5 awaken him.
How am i incorrect? I agree duping him makes all that much better. However he is still a great champ unduped. The only thing that the duped can do that the unduped can’t, is decrease ability accuracy.
So how am i incorrect @Anonymous2354
I'd rank him up, too.
Bro. I know. He can still do everything except stop their abilities. Yes it increases his abilities as well, but he still has them even unawakened. And like I’ve said every time. Yes, awakened is better. I understand man