How to fix Carnage

New signiture ability: While mutating regenerate up to 8% base health (based on sig level) and become immune to all debuffs except stuns. Being stunned interupts mutation.
Bump base stats to glass cannon levels
Symbiote causes attacks to have 50% reduced chance to be evaded.
Increase bleed damage
All attacks have an 8% chance to inflict bleed
Would this overdue it? It would give him uses in aw as both a defender on stun immune nodes or as an attacker against all the nightcrawlers/spidermen. He would still be very counterable with all the bleed immunes and mystics currently in play.
Bump base stats to glass cannon levels
Symbiote causes attacks to have 50% reduced chance to be evaded.
Increase bleed damage
All attacks have an 8% chance to inflict bleed
Would this overdue it? It would give him uses in aw as both a defender on stun immune nodes or as an attacker against all the nightcrawlers/spidermen. He would still be very counterable with all the bleed immunes and mystics currently in play.
It'll make it easier for people actually waiting for responses from Devs to find.
Plus all these posts completely re writing him are too much. Just tweak what he has, and he will be good.