Bugged iceman coldsnap

Im fighting in alliance war and my icemans sp1 coldsnap (which is supposed to cancel out all kinds of passive evade except dexterity) still allowed spider gwen to evade upon activating her sp1


  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Not too sure about this one, can't recall off the top of my head if her evade is actually passive because the buff icon shows up. I know sym spideys evade is a buff that can be nullified, so maybe gwens is similar. Dunno if that counts as passive or not tho
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    edited February 2018
    I've had that happen with different evade champs. There's been a debate on if his coldsnap works on evade buffs...it supposed to. Lots of bugs in the game right now. Outside of Labyrinth he should shut down all evade. I've heard people say it wasn't working against mesmerize either...it should.
  • TheMarauder53TheMarauder53 Member Posts: 154
    Well what i meant to say was his coldsnap was active and not stopping spider gwen from evading its kind of annoying
  • TheMarauder53TheMarauder53 Member Posts: 154
    @Kabam Vydious should know about this in case more people report the same bug
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