Arena Reward

I have a question... Me and my brother played in same arena hr scored half of me but his ranking was 10-25% and mine was 25-46%,... Forgot exactly... But like that... Every time he scores lower than me but gets rewards better that me...
You are in different arenas. I'm guessing you have played longer than he has. After two months of play though he will be moved to the same bracket everyone else is.
Its the reason then....
But its unfair...'s speculated that the bracket works like this
0-30 days Beginner Bracket
31-60 Days Intermediate Bracket
61+ Days Expert Bracket.
So kabam has these in place but don't tell any one, or visualize it in the game in any way, but penalize you for not knowing.
Not really. I am guessing you have better champs and are able to more easily put up points than he is.
Also you would have the same advantage that he had when you first started. You can easily start over with a new account if you want lower scores again.
This isn’t speculated, Kabam told us this when they implemented the brackets. We’ve all been repeating it ever since.