Symbiote Spider-Man

Hey all. So I just opened my 6th 5* Basic Crystal and Duped my Symbiote Spider-Man. I have really used him all that much and I have him sitting at 1/25. Is he very useful? I heard he has some good damage, and his Dupe ability gives him evasion after activating a special. Thanks.
i would take him to rank 3. what other champs do you have? that may influence the decision
Well I’m waiting on some ISO and Gold to take my Hyperion up to 5/50, so if I do take Symbiote Spider-Man up it’ll probably happen afterwards. But other than that I don’t really have any really good cosmics.
then u shud probably take him to rank 3 since he is a pretty good champion. His special 2 and armor breaks deal a lot of damage