Symbiote Spider-Man

Captain_2goodCaptain_2good Member Posts: 145
Hey all. So I just opened my 6th 5* Basic Crystal and Duped my Symbiote Spider-Man. I have really used him all that much and I have him sitting at 1/25. Is he very useful? I heard he has some good damage, and his Dupe ability gives him evasion after activating a special. Thanks.



  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I like Sym Spidey a lot. Not god tier but he hits hard, he gets armor breaks with every heavy hit and they last practically forever. His L2 is fantastic regardless but stack a few armor breaks and it's really powerful. Also he doesn't screw you up on offense by evading at random. Not a bad defender on unblockable L1. Solid champ. I like the fact that he doesn't evade until he uses a special because his L2 ends most fights and the evade can mess you up on offense.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    I also like SS. Get 5 armor breaks on board and smash with a SP2.

  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    his stock went down a lot with so many high dmg newer champs added, but on any node with plus armor he's a beast. His base dmg is already high and erasing the armor bonus for essentially the whole fight with just 1 break is amazing. But depending on your roster, most symbiotes end up on unblockable sp1 nodes although people are really getting used to spidey type sp1's and they're by far the most common champs on unblockable sp1. We've been swapping in Gob and even with no evasion mechanics on top of the specials, he's getting as much if not more kills than the spidey family.
  • Captain_2goodCaptain_2good Member Posts: 145
    So would he be a champ worth 3/45?
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    So would he be a champ worth 3/45?

    i would take him to rank 3. what other champs do you have? that may influence the decision
  • Captain_2goodCaptain_2good Member Posts: 145
    So would he be a champ worth 3/45?

    i would take him to rank 3. what other champs do you have? that may influence the decision

    Well I’m waiting on some ISO and Gold to take my Hyperion up to 5/50, so if I do take Symbiote Spider-Man up it’ll probably happen afterwards. But other than that I don’t really have any really good cosmics.
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    So would he be a champ worth 3/45?

    i would take him to rank 3. what other champs do you have? that may influence the decision

    Well I’m waiting on some ISO and Gold to take my Hyperion up to 5/50, so if I do take Symbiote Spider-Man up it’ll probably happen afterwards. But other than that I don’t really have any really good cosmics.

    then u shud probably take him to rank 3 since he is a pretty good champion. His special 2 and armor breaks deal a lot of damage
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