From 0 to 9 million in 5 days: Donation free ally looking for AW beasts!

1 week ago, the once great alliance of Vårsaga was dead - but the friendships once forged in that alliance had lived on outside of it. Some old members started talking, a plan was put in motion - and all of a sudden, the dead alliance rose from the ashes!
5 days ago, Vsaga had 1 single member.
Today we have 24 active ones, with 4 more on their way.
5 days ago, Vsaga had a rating of 96 000.
Today our rating is 9 million, with 6 more spots to fill.
Now all we need is 2 more semi-retired veterans, tired of donations and grinding but eager to kick some butt in Alliance War.
All events are based on voluntary participation, and anyone who joins us will be given officer clearance once proven to be trustworthy.
Will you become our 30th member?
Look up the alliance (Vsaga/Vårsaga) or reach out to me (username Shangattay).
Welcome to what might be the fastest growing alliance in the game right now!
5 days ago, Vsaga had 1 single member.
Today we have 24 active ones, with 4 more on their way.
5 days ago, Vsaga had a rating of 96 000.
Today our rating is 9 million, with 6 more spots to fill.
Now all we need is 2 more semi-retired veterans, tired of donations and grinding but eager to kick some butt in Alliance War.
All events are based on voluntary participation, and anyone who joins us will be given officer clearance once proven to be trustworthy.
Will you become our 30th member?
Look up the alliance (Vsaga/Vårsaga) or reach out to me (username Shangattay).
Welcome to what might be the fastest growing alliance in the game right now!