Trivia question of the day...

PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
How many times, on average, do you have to hit the special attack button, before it will actually fire off, after blocking the AI 5 piece combo?


  • TrollllolllloTrollllollllo Member Posts: 113
    why would you fire off an sp right after you block their five hit combo. It will just result you getting hit by the AI because there is always a little bit of time that it takes for the sp to take off.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    When I'm cornered and the AI is fighting like its on drugs. Block the combo then hit the special attack button to try to gain space if nothing else.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    Besides, the AI can fire off a special at any time. Doesn't seem right to me.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Eventually you won't get cornered much and you won't block many combos, but unless you are at 3 bars you are better off attacking with a combo when you are in that situation.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    The AI recovers so quickly that I usually get parried when I try to attack immediately after the combo. I swear when this happens it's almost as if I'm controlling the defender against myself, if that makes any sense. Well, maybe I'm just not as good as I once was.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Out of curiosity, do you have the parry mastery and do you know how to parry? Also you can push them back hitting their block. You shouldn't get cornered on most fights.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    I'm a well seasoned player. Been playing since the beginning. I've beaten realm if legends and plenty if the other more difficult content. I do know how to parry. The game just simply does not work as it once did IMO. I know some will argue against this idea, but there are things that just don't work as they once did.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    It may also be that defense ability accuracy and other signature abilities, masteries, etc, may be playing a part in my problems. I guess I need to make myself more educated on each champ.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    But then I see it her post about people and their specials not firing off. I just don't know any more. SMH.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    Other* not her. My auto correct is ridiculous sometimes.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    How many times, on average, do you have to hit the special attack button, before it will actually fire off, after blocking the AI 5 piece combo?

    There is your problem right there lol. When enemy is attacking into your block, you are almost mini-stunned and won’t be able to activate a special. If you could activate a special when enemy is attacking into your block then that would be too easy. The trick is to use your special right after a dexterity dodge back, that will let you fire it off instantly. But if you don’t do it at the right time, the enemy could back off after your dexterity evade and you miss your special.
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