Why does my 5* BP-CW have a Zero Armor Rating in Attributes?

Exploring Attributes and discovered a weird (to me) "fact"!

Admittedly... I am not well-versed in the "nuts & bolts" of MCOC... but my other Champs have significant Armor listed in the same spot! Example:

Admittedly... I am not well-versed in the "nuts & bolts" of MCOC... but my other Champs have significant Armor listed in the same spot! Example:

if a champion has regen,
his base health should be low
low armor attribute
If a champion has fury,
his base attack should be low
his crit rate should be low
If a champion has high attack,
his crit rate should be low
very low armor
If a champion has armor break ability,
his armour break ability should be weak
his attack should be low
his own armor should be low.
What you mentioned there is an mcoc thing that if a champion can again armor, his base armor should not exist.
I hope u get it.