Distribution of gem stones between SW and DV

DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
I have two duped four star mystics - DV and SW. From what I understand DV is the best mystic in the class but SW benefits more than any other mystic having a max sig. is this an accurate statement? Regardless, if you had 100ish sig stones how would you apportion them between them?

Distribution of gem stones between SW and DV 11 votes

Take DV to 99 and leave SW at 1
27% 3 votes
Take DV to 80 and SW to 20
27% 3 votes
Take DV and SW both to 50
18% 2 votes
Take SW to 80 and DV to 20
27% 3 votes
Take SW to 99 and DV to 1
0% 0 votes


  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I voted 80 DV and 20 SW but if your SW is already at 20, just dump them all into DV imo.

    DV is the superior champ and he is one the highest prestige champs in the game so dumping sig stones into him will help your alliance get a higher score in AQ (assuming he is one of your top champs).
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