11M Alliance Map 5x5 AW tier 3-4 looking for 1 active member

We are a growing, 11.8 million ally and we are looking for a skilled player in the UK timezone.

About us...
Ally Tag: KOTLs
AW: Tier 1 originally, tier 3-4 according tor the new tier division
AQ: 55555
UK based

Event Requirements:
Duels: 650
Completion: 15k

Weekly Donations=133K Gold, 12.5k Loyalty, 30K Battlechips

What We Are Looking For:
Must have Map5 experience
Must have Tier 1 AW expierence
Must have 5.2k Prestige
Must have LINE app
Must be active, skilled and reliable in aw/aq
Only want European or nearby timezone players.

If Interested add me and send a screenshot of your profile
LINE: player-mg


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