Looking for 3 Active Players for a Laid Back 5 Mil Alliance

Good day one and all. I am still on a recruiting hunt for my alliance that I am a part of. I am one of the officers and i am extending an invitation to 3 active players who are looking for a Laid Back but in no way Lazy Alliance. We are currently in the Tier 10 bracket for Alliance War. We like Doing a combination for Alliance Quest, we either run a Map 5-5-4-4-4 or a 5-4-4-4-4 or all Map 4 just kinda depends on the week and who may be taking a vacation or time away during a certain period of time as we all have our lives outside the gaming world you know. We definitely are trying to Grow and Expand our challenges within our alliance and we hope one day very soon we can run Map 5-5-5-4-4 and then perhaps Map 5 all week every week. We are always available to give a helping hand and we never ask that you save Crystals, never tell you what champs to upgrade or anything like that. We like to have fun but we do ask you be active, use the line app and during Alliance War and Alliance Quest be talkative to help your fellow teammates out. Its about Team Work because that makes the Dream Work as we like to say. If anyone is at all interested please feel free to friend me in game under the same name zbot34, or on line app with the same name or via message on here. Take care and happy gaming!
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