Help! My Summoner/Champion Portrait Will Not Change

Hello Everyone! I have something that's been nagging at me for quite awhile. I've been playing MCoC for close to 2 years. I got a 4* Ultron and Ultron immediately showed up as my Champion Portrait. Since then alot has changed. Everything except my Champion Portrait.
Recently I Ranked up my Gwenpool. Her PI shot up way beyond all of my Champions. And I can see Gwenpool as my Portrait but Everyone else sees Ultron.
Kabam, Summoners, How Do I Fix This!?!
Recently I Ranked up my Gwenpool. Her PI shot up way beyond all of my Champions. And I can see Gwenpool as my Portrait but Everyone else sees Ultron.
Kabam, Summoners, How Do I Fix This!?!
But yet my Ultron has Gwenpool by 1 Dupe. Maybe it will change when I dupe Gwenpool again.